My Best Efforts - Year 3



........also known as Himalayan Honeysuckle, Pheasant Berry or Flowering Nutmeg. Earlier in the year, this was not looking very happy and was being swamped by my Golden leafed Choisya. It was the wrong time of year but I risked moving to a more open spot. It still has the Choisya behind it but is further away than it was.

It didn't look at all well for several weeks but I kept watering it and now, a little late, it has produced the biggest and best coloured bracts than ever before! I posted an image of this last year but it s better and brighter than then. I'm not quite sure what those white bits are on one of bracts - could be bird droppings!!

The blackbirds love the berries it produces - last year I had one male taking jumps to try to reach them - he must have been trying - and sometimes succeeding - for at least half an hour - so funny and entertaining to watch!

I am very late posting this as I tripped, fell over and made a rather nasty gouge in my arm! - stupid woman!!!

My elderly neighbour, Ruth, about whom I was so worried as she was spending her first night in the Nursing Home, apparently slept like a log!! - she had a very long and tiring day, so was so tired. I suppose I'm not really surprised. I am so glad I was wrong about her being bewildered in her new environment, so hopefully she will soon settle.

The weather has been really mixed - some sun, a some heavy showers - I got caught in one and got quite wet. Even now at 9.00pm, the temperature is still reading 63 Deg.F.

Hope everyone has had a good day and not to stupidly fall over like me!!!

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