A time for everything

By turnx3

Watercress farm

I was out for lunch today with a group of ladies from church, celebrating M's birthday. It was at a home in Moigny sur École, over the other side of Fontainebleau - about 30-35 mins drive. I hadn't been there before, but it was quite straightforward and a lovely relaxing drive through the Forest on a relatively quiet road with little traffic. One of the ladies is vegetarian, so it was a vegetarian lunch, so quite healthy - until we got to the cake at any rate! The weather wasn't great, but it was fairly warm and dry, and their patio is covered, so we ate outside. It was a lovely time of conversation, fun and laughter. Some of us stayed most of the afternoon, not leaving until gone 4pm. When I had been looking at the route beforehand on Google Maps, I had switched to street view, and I had noticed these strips of green at the side of the road and wondered what they were. It turned out it was a watercress farm. I would have preferred to bring you a shot of us enjoying our lunch in their lovely garden, but I believe from previous conversations that some of the ladies may not be happy about having their picture published on "social media", so instead I bring you a picture of the watercress beds, which I found quite interesting, since I don't think I've seen it growing before.

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