A girls essentials.

This is my new seat. Previously there was a fire gaurs around out fire but mummy and daddy have taken it away as I now understand no...well most of the time. I was playing with my handbag. In my handbag I had my essentials. 2 sets of Keys, phone, hair brush, whistle and my accordion.

Today I was at play group again. I had great fun. No tears at drop off or pick up. Today I did 2 paintings and made a giraffe. I sang songs, played outside and played with the sand.

After play group we went the weekly food shop. Aaahhh. I was good though I helped put a few extra things in the trolley.

In the afternoon I played outside with my brother and sister. We had a water fight with our neighbours, it was great. I learned to fire my water gun then run and hide under the trampoline.

Tonight at bedtime there was no fuss, no tears, no running about, just me in my cot lying down. Another step forward hopefully.

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