
By huggybear

'Lifelong learning' and all that

This isnt a blip of the contents of my pocket (that would make a good theme though) but a picture of my new NUS student card!
Learning to 'weave dreams' at home was too much of a challenge so I signed up to an Introduction to Dreamweaver course at a college (it's not a new age philosophy thing but a web design thing)
So it was 'back to school' for me which was a bit odd, to say the least, for an ex-teacher. Force of habit led me to park in the visitors spot in the staff car park though. And no I didn't wear my elbow patches and I left the flask at home!
Anyway the start has been good - it's all at your pace and following a work plan with help at hand if you need. This is good as I seem to have developed ADHD since I was at university and cant listen for long!
Anyway I go back again on wednesday - this is also odd, as with working in training I haven't been back to the same education establishment or 'workplace' for more than one day in about 8 years. Routine is my friend now! Must remember not to park in the staff car park this time.

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