Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Total Wipeout

Been feeling dreadful all day. Since I woke up at 6:30am I've been feeling sick and hot and cold and shivery and achey and have had lots of trips to the loo!

Poor old me

Luckily the kiddies have been as good as gold. This is the only picture I took today of P & A playing tea parties so sweetly together.

Even more luckily grandma came to rescue me this afternoon. I went back to bed for a couple of hours whilst she took the kiddies out for a walk. Hurrah!

And I say rescue with two meanings. I didn't realise till about 1pm that my house keys were locked in the car and mr j had locked the front door as he left in the morning! Good job I had no intention of leaving the house anyway as we were well and truly locked in!

Plain toast for supper (not eaten all day, very unlike me) paracetamol and bed. Hope I'm not up for two hours in the middle of the night again with little man....grrrr

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