Day 6 - am like a hostage!!

So, I'm still here. Within an hour of the ambulance people saying we could go today they changed their minds to Friday instead. I was horribly, bitterly disappointed but there have been silver linings to staying another day.

I have been out of bed! I have had a shower! I cannot describe the complete bliss of these two events after over five days of lying in bed. I was all chirpy with the doctor when he came round, I think I must have confused him.

And here is a different angle out of the window, taken from my chair! Pretty bleak, I know but I liked the curves and straights. As an example of how institutionalised I have now become, I dedicated a large portion of the day to taking an sp. I came to my senses after a while, realising that no matter how proud I was of my clean hair and chair, I really did not need to put a picture of myself on the internet in my night shirt!

So, once more, they are coming to get me at 8 tomorrow morning. The route is now known and pretty vile, I should get to Worthing at 10pm. With luck, they will have a bed for me. If not, I'm just going home.

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