blip art :: xb

By xb

How are you?

I got a message from my boss this morning, "How are you?"

"Not too bad", was my reply.

She pointed out that I quite often say that and it doesn't necessarily suggest "good". I explained that, to me, it's pretty good. On the other hand, "not too good" would be pretty bad. It's all about the tone, which is missed on instant messenger.

There is logic there somewhere.

Out after work for a few drinks for another of our seemingly constant flow of leavers.

Now, some notes about tonight's pic...

- I searched kindle for "how are you" to explain the point, so the other search results are purely coincidental.
- the book "how are you", is apparently three pages long and costs, and costs £122.24.
- Yes, it's a lame, late, kindle blip.

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