bucks life

By bucksmiss


It was a leisurely start after a good sleep. A and P left at 10.30am and I chilled out a while in front of 'In The Club' and also rang some of the people in B's address book to let them know of her death and the funeral. I spoke to the office and, amongst other things, they were good enough to say not to come back until I'm ready.

I arranged a wreath for B's coffin at a local independent florist, who took details of all the flowers and the style I wanted.

Then I did a bit of shopping and saw the head shrink. I'm so glad I'm still seeing him regularly. I'm still rather numb and not really allowing myself to 'feel' much... On the way home, I heard the Ellie Goulding song again and that made me think of B and cry so that is obviously going to be a trigger for me.

When I got home, L had arrived back after two weeks in Spain so he is very brown, the lucky devil. B rang and can't make the funeral as she'll be abroad, which is a shame.

It'll be Bake Off tonight then an early night for me.

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