
By kevinG

Chocolate Syrup Bunt Cake

Woke up and watched TV.

Took a shower. Aunt Franny text me that they were going to the beach with Aunt Geri and Annie and Sarah and asked if i wanted to come. I said yes and she told me they'd be there in 20 minutes, bring a sandwich.

I really quickly made tuna salad with apples, onions, mayo, and pickles. I assembled two sandwiches on toasted English muffins.

Aunt Franny came with Halima and her friends and they were all playing with Millie. Millie was peeing everywhere and I had to clean it up and get a lunch box together and my towel. It was very hectic for a little while.

We drove to the beach.

We searched for Aunt Geri and finally found her.

Annie and Sarah weren't there. I didn't go in the water.

Uncle Bill's sister, Amy, or Aunt Amy, was there. I talked to her for a while.

Drove back with Aunt Geri and Amy.

On the way to Old Mill we stopped to pick up Sarah's freshly fixed cello. I learned that people who build string instruments are known as luthiers.

Went back to Old Mill and we went in the pool. My mom went out to get wine.

Sat on the porch and talked for a while with Millie walking around our feet.

Went with Aunt Geri and Amy back to Aunt Geri's house. Annie and Sarah had some friends over.

I ate a salad for dinner.

Went downstairs and started watching Pretty Little Liars. I and a few others didn't want to watch it so we went upstairs. We decided to bake a cake and I wanted chocolate but I didn't want a box cake and they didn't have any cocoa powder so I looked up a cake recipe using chocolate syrup (hence the name).

We made it and put it in the oven. We didn't have buttermilk or sour cream or yogurt so we had to use milk with lemon juice as a substitute.

The cake needed to cook for an hour and fifteen minutes so we played phone games and watched Adventure Time in the mean time.

We took the cake out when it was done (pictured) and it wasn't great. A little hard on the edges and not very chocolaty.

Going to bed now in the basement.


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