Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A view of Rishton's Turrets Garden.

The morning was sunny and cold enough for a light coat if like me, a small loss of weight, as in 3 lbs, makes you more conscious of the cold.
I have found this to be the truth for me before when bringing my weight down.
I went to Slimming World, at the Cricket Club, to be weighed and I am within my target weight.
I am never complacent about this as it means good health.
Then to Nisa for the i newspaper.
Then breakfast of Quaker oats and coffee.
Then putting off the washing as there is so much still to do after the week of holiday.
I will wash this gradually and start later this afternoon.
I am reading White Eagle on the Great Spirit.
Here is a short quote that impresssed me, as I photographed the rose bed in the centre of the Turrets Garden and the words seem to resonate together. regarding the Spirit behind the beauty of the roses and all living creation.
"You are so accustomed to the beauty of nature that you tend to take it for granted.
Sometimes your attention may be arrested by a flower, a landscape or a seascape, or even by the glory of the sky at night filled with myriad stars.
Then you may say, "Oh, the beauty is breathtaking." Or you gaze upon a rose, perfect in colouring and perfume, and say to yourself, "It is heavenly!"

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