Ooh Matron.....

...I was dismayed to hear on radio that the classic comic prop that is the traditional hospital gown is to be phased-out and replaced by a garment that doesn't cause your bahookie to be exposed for all the world to see. Damn.... much hospital mirthdom will be lost forever.

Whilst searching for an 'Ooh Matron' clip from the evergreen Kenneth Williams on You Tube, I stumbled upon a great clip which typifies how I feel about the never ending train of politically lined-up scientific 'experts' trotted out to argue this point, or that point, to a gullible populous. For my medic chums on Blip, this isn't a pop at you and your good work; merely social commentary about the religion of irrefutable science which we the fact faithful are expected to swallow without challenge. [Scobes climbs down off soap box]

Elsewhere, Nancy and her mates were causing a rumpus outside City Hall. "Ban the whale", I say.

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