A Blip Party!

It wasn't just a Blipmeet, it was a Blipfiesta! carolinav, CALIFORNIAGIRL, Fibreandfotos and I, along with CALIFORNIAGIRL's husband, OilMan, and my brother and his wife, met in Oceanside at Hello Betty Fish House for lunch, laughs and a nice view of the sea from the roof after lunch.

Of course all the Blippers were at one end of the table, leaving our non Blipping companions to talk among themselves of other things….of course, as our companions, they are all quite used to our sauntering pace on walks, our requests to "pull over", and even, occasionally, our need to hide the camera and the computer so as not to be labelled "obsessive" (even though we all know we are!)

OilMan was sent twice to tell us it was time to go, and finally succeeded in breaking up the party, as we exchanged email addresses and plans for our next meeting, and reluctantly went our separate ways.

It's always amazing to get together with someone you've never met before, yet feel as if you have known them for years. It was a lovely afternoon.

OilMan, assured that he wouldn't have to have his picture taken, willingly volunteered to take our picture.

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