
By 24heuer

They wouldn't dare!

Well apparently they did.
I was nominated by one of my nephews, Finlay.
And I thought he was a nice guy too!
I think my brother Robert (his Dad) may have had something to do with that choice.
Anyway I got his Dad back by nominating him.
What am I on about?
Utterly bizarre but people nominate you to throw a bucket of ice cold water over your head and then donate money to charity.
You then get to nominte 3 other people to do the same.
Mad! :-)
No idea why I've got that stupid grin on my face - I knew what was coming :-)
This was snipped from the video hence the poor quality.
Oh, yeah, forgot to say - this all gets recorded and you then have to upload it to facebook or twitter.
Whatever anyone says about it, it's making a heck of a lot of money for charity in a very short space of time.

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