My Best Efforts - Year 3


Un-noticed Before.......

.........passing by what used to be the old Infants School I noticed this rather unusual sign which I thought rather attractive, so here it is! The building is now used as a Youth Club - It's funny but when I took a photo of the railings the other day, I never noticed this sign!!! I think I must have been standing in a different spot.

It's been a sad day today in one way - my very elderly neighbour (Ruth) - who is developing Alzheimers - moved back to Yorkshire to be nearer a daughter - I'm not sure she realises that she is going into a Home and not to live with the daughter. I keep wondering what her reaction will be tonight when she has to sleep in a strange room - physically she is so well - but cannot remember anything for more than 5 minutes. It was her Birthday yesterday and her daughter-in-law (Cath) and I took her out for lunch - by jingo, can she eat!. We talked about her going all over lunch but this morning she had completely forgotten - at 1.30 this morning she rang Cath to say her carers had not brought her breakfast and again at 4.15am to ask her what day it was. If it wasn't so sad it would be sort of funny! I hope that doesn't sound unkind but. quite honestly, if we hadn't laughed, we would have cried.

The weather was horrid and drizzly this morning but the sun came out just as Ruth set off on her journey to a new life - I so hope she settles.

Am feeling a bit better today, thank goodness!

Hope you have had a good day.

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