Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Tash Off

This is almost part two of my delightful, tash on entry.

Look how silly I look on that photo. That was like a year and a half ago and I'm still waxing my tash. How tragic. I also still have that dressing gown because it is far too perfect. And I had my first driving lesson! Can you believe I still can't bloody drive. 30 lessons later and I'm buying an automatic. Oh my life.

Work this weekend has been insane. Like, Sunday the electric went off and everything went mad. There was still a huge queue even though clearly nothing was working. People are so crazy. Like are we miracle makers?

Today me and mum have been to big mecca bingo, which was amazing. Literally all I ever wanted and more. Constant flow of bingo. I could just start a new life as a bingo-er.

Tomorrow I am meeting my darling Sarah for a well deserved Nandos I think. I haven't seen her in weeks and I'm starting to get the shakes. Also, a lovely sleepover including large knickers and bake off.

Happy Blipping.

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