Reasons to be cheerful

A friend of mine often puts on facebook " Three things that I am grateful for today ".
So here's my interpretation.

1. It rained. I like being out in the rain, doesn't matter how wet it gets. I like the freshened atmosphere and the way colours are intensified.

2. Had lunch with daughter in Debenham's café. Great company and a nice BLT.

3. Found these three in charity shops. I'm delighted to find The Great Lover, which I've been after for a long time, being far too tight to pay full price. It's a novel about Rupert Brooke, and I'm looking forward to reading it very much. The DVD of Harnessing Peacocks is set in Penzance, one of my favourite holiday towns, and as for the other book, well, how could I resist anything with bees in the title ? I shan't be baking my own bees, but enjoying a novel about an extraordinary marriage, which is " saturated with bee lore ".

It's the little things ....

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