
By WhatTheJules

Game of Thrones

Denny is testing boundaries in the new apartment. Will this be his new perch? A new throne from which he can survey his territory?
Truman is wondering the same.
"If Denny can do this, what can I do?"
The answer is: HE CAN'T,so stop wondering.
Denny was the first among what is a three shih tzu tribe. There are two here, and one at the house where they spent their formative years. They visit there, and they have jumping skills the other shih tzu, Oliver Twist (we really name our dogs) doesn't know he has. Denny Crane enjoys jumping up on the back of a large chair and gazing out the window at his 'hood' back at that house. It's his spot away from the younger rabble rousers.
Truman Capote is braggadocios about his ability to jump on the couch and snuggle up next to Mom, he is my protector, the absorber of all anxiety and panic. That leaves Oliver Twist, the tiny guy that he is, whining on the floor, waiting to be picked up. When he is, he cuddles with the best of them.
Here in the new apartment, everyone back to your fluffy beds, cool tile entryways, and spots where the morning breeze brings you smells of morning 'stuff'. You have your side of the couch, protected with a dog blanket placed there just for you.
Work this need out in another fashion.
I'll be ordering the dining room furniture today. There will be four new chairs for your perching disposal. Don't even think of the table, Denny Crane, that's so five years ago!

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