
Amy is an Aylesbury based Make Up Artist who visited today to carry out a test run with Nicola & Carol ahead of the big day in October.

I suppose you could say that I know Amy, though I haven't seen her for more than 10years. Her mother Shirley & I worked together for many years.

Amy takes after her mum for her good looks and has run her own business for some while now having originally trained as a dancer, she has her own website which is HERE & all her other details can be seen on her card or on the website if you are interested in having some work done.

I met my Mum in the Bell PH today for a coffee & a chat, then she went off shopping & I went home to see the girls. But guess who I saw in the pub - someone I haven't seen for 2plus years initials ANJR he spoke but not too much. He always blamed me for him losing his job - absolute rubbish of course as I followed him 16months later !

I then delivered a parcel to Walton Terrace as it had been delivered to us by mistake .

Wet nasty day ...the a in my elbow is giving me real gip so probably won't do too much today.....

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