
By tufty

I'm only sleeping!

Sadly, this title is erroneous. After walking about in the freezing cold today waiting for the sun to make an appearance (it has, now...after we got back!), we had to get some coffee and "real" milk from the market. Once again, although at a different stall this time, we had some piglets to appreciate. There were a load of other things to photograph today, but given the serenity of this shot and without even starting to mention the glorious ear-hair, I felt this one was today's winner. The others can be found here, if anyone's interested:
Cow tongues
Hotel Ugly
Fancy a seat?
The first is at the market; cow tongues (I wouldn't know what to do with them...perhaps some sort of lolly?!)
The second is a hotel in the very centre of the city (Váci utca) which has always intrigued me...the hotel is, from an aesthetic point of view, foul to look at. What I still don't understand is this example of the various pipes and god-knows-what that are to be found above the central court within the hotel. Odd design.
The third is an example of the somewhat slow pace of snow/ice removal in the city, what you see here in the foreground is a public bench.

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