Summer's glow

This photo is rather nice large.

I've been busy working on a program I'm presenting next month at Garden Club. It's our 85th year and the program is cobbled together from old hand written and typed histories(I'm the present Club Historian) and a suitcase and box filled with photo albums, program booklets and things to, as Nora would say "paw over". I've gotten us to the late 70s today using our Mac Keynote format. I'll show it on a flatscreen, from my iPad at the hall where we have our meetings.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and hot.

The vet called with the results this morning. Max still needs his insulin, his kidney function has gotten worse since the last blood work, but not significantly. They were supposed to run a thyroid panel, but the order wasn't recorded and she asked if we wanted to run it, the lab still could. We all know his thyroid is struggling and increasing thyroid meds in an elderly cat can unmask kidney troubles and can hasten the decline in function. We decided to just forget the test, we know his thyroid is struggling and there is nothing to be done. He's comfy and not wobbling. If he begins declining we know what we will do to help him. The failing thyroid adds to his senility, but he's still Maxie. For some reason we call him Bhumb, yes, that's as in thumb, and he's our Bhumbie still.


All hands healthy

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