
By Jeanettie6

Cheer up love! Someone didn't want to wear their crown and jewels today at the Paw Pagaentin Old Spitalfields Market this afternoon. Maybe she wanted to frolic in the huge puddles outside instead.

I walked back to Charing Cross after, through the City and along a fairly empty South Bank. I had to wade through two or three deep puddles that came up to my ankles! I've never known it like that along there, though it had rained continuously today. My Converses, socks and feet were absolutely soaked! I squelched into the Royal Festival Hall on the way back, looking like a soggy, soaked vagrant and stopped for a couple of minutes to watch lots of people having fun, dancing the tango, then left to catch my train, leaving a few soggy footprints behind. What a miserable, wet, bank holiday Monday!

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