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By tralala

MonoMonday: Recycling

Here is my MonoMonday entry for recycling. This is one of the apples from our apple tree in the compost bin, which as you can see is also full of grass clippings. The bugs and the slugs will help recycle all of this into lovely compost!

We decided to leave Cornwall early this morning to stay out of the Bank Holiday traffic and it worked! We made really good time to Bristol, where we went for a lovely roast dinner at my sister's with all the family.

Now we are home and, as usual, the first thing I did was head down the garden. I found a huge cucumber and a ton of tomatoes ready in the greenhouse and a couple of courgettes and loads of beans in the veg bed. Brilliant.

Thanks to WetcoastBob for hosting MonoMonday, head over to his journal for all the entries.

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