My First Dragon of the Year

In my first year on Blip...I shot and posted a lot of dragonflies. Not so much since. I just haven't seen many this year. Perhaps something is fire-breathing them away?

We still had Merrick this afternoon while his parents were returning from Up North. He needed a nap, and so did Grandma.

So...I took off for the herb farm fair, a small craft show.

It was me, 3 other guys, and 75-100 women. Although I felt a little out of place...I like those odds.

I found the dragonfly on something yellow, which made for a nice background. Plus, the young dragon stayed still for at least 30 minutes, even when I closed in to 3-4 inches away. You gotta like that.

I did a good deed by pointing out the insect to 2 other photographers. They were very thankful.

I like the "vest" on this guy. Like he's really decked out in something special.

Check out some more color shots I got at the garden today by CLICKING HERE.

Hope everybody has a great week.

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