From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Coastal walk #2....

Another full day!

We began by parking up the scooters (- !) and headed for a coastal walk beginning at the other end of town to yesterday. Lots of climbing, lots of steep 'downs' too. Then we unexpectedly came upon a delightful fishing village called called Steep Hill Cove. Just magic! Stopped for our second ice cream of the holiday.

Back over the ups and downs, and a stop for a fun game of air soccer. Took the coastal route back to our B&B, enjoying a cup of tea en route at The Seapot.

Very brief visit to our rooms before going out again to a Spanish tapas restaurant for dinner. Grateful for the uphill walk back here to allow for digestion!

In bed now and wondering if the rain forecast for tomorrow will actually arrive.

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