Sunday: Burmese Days

The Hermanos invited us over today for a real Spanish paella.  It was the perfect thing for today and we had a wonderful few hours sitting on their nice secluded balcony.  They live right in the heart of town but their flat is so quiet because it faces away from the street.

Christian was smoking these Burmese cigarettes that he picked up on his honeymoon last year.  I am no smoker but even I thought they smelled wonderfully exotic and eastern.

Good photographer discovery of the day: Josef Hoflehner


And time for a book update, having read the first three volumes of Maya Angelou's autobiographies.  They are actually a reread, as I first read them 20 years ago.  The first, 'I Know why The Caged Bird Sings' is as good as I remember it, and rightly stands as the pinnacle of the series.  The other two, I have no real recollection of - they were definitely interesting but I sensed a bitterness in the third that was almost a bit disturbing......


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