Day of Rest?

Ah, Sundays. Peaceful quiet days to reflect on the week past and the new week to come. Or it is for most folks anyway.
My beautiful girl was on an early early start, and since I wanted to borrow the car, we were all out of the house before 7am. HV was dropped off at work and the woofers and I wandered down to Warbeth and along the shore to Breckness. The dogs loved it and I collected 4 groatie buckies on the way.
Back to the car and I zoomed home, collected some stuff, zoomed to my folks house, abandoned the dogs and started to clear out my old shed. I jammed the car totally full of rubbish on each of 3 trips to the dump, before giving up for the day, cutting the lawn, making a start on dinner for Maw and Paw and HV and me, picking up HV and zooming off to wander the woofers again.
The parentage are now coming home an hour earlier than we thought, which means it is panic stations on dinner. The 5 hour roast lamb looks pretty good and the roast tatties and carrots and parsnips (bleurgh) are all in the oven. I might just pull this one out of the bag....
Today's blip is just Hoy, taken while HV and I looked for more groaties. Total today is 11. Every little bit counts (as the man said as he peed in the sea....)

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