Celebrating 25 years

On 24th August 1987 a gigantic step forward was taken when workmen moved into St Brycedale Church to commence physical and spiritual change within the building; the Sanctuary was being re- sited upstairs and the ground floor was about to be dedicated for support and use by the surrounding community. It took two years to achieve the alterations.
So this week we are to celebrate 25 Years of St Bryce Kirk's Christian stewardship of a community of regular users who flood into the facilities established on the ground floor to use meeting rooms, a creche, a cafe, free soup lunches for students one day a week and a Food Bank outlet as well as lectures and prayer sessions based on Christian themes.
The accompanying Blipfoto is a metaphor of the building's twin use: the photograph shows the open door to the daily nerve centre while the stained glass window reveals the sense of spiritual worship found every day and particularly on a Sunday

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