
By Igor

August Challenge; style

The shower room is finally finished as of today. It’s taken me over a week to get from the shower installed and working to the stage where I can put my tool box away. It's taken a lot longer than I envisaged, but the deadline was this coming tuesday when Ma-in-Law comes to stay. Why does the imminent visit of a mother cause otherwise strong and grown-up women to go into panic mode with respect to the general state of the house?

I had some help but I did a lot of the work myself - just to prove to myself that I still can. As well as being a first class chippie’s mate and plumber’s mate, Anniemay was responsible for the decor.

This is a rather stylish tap against a rather stylish red glass splashback. This matches the hand towel and a band of mosaic tiles midway up the walls. (Please do not tell me that bands of mosaic tiles - of any colour - are passé).

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