Chasing the Dragon

or Damsel Flies :)

I visited another site belonging to the local Wildlife Trust that I joined last week today but I might not go again. I walked quite a way past 6 'fishing' lakes made out of old quarries apparently to find that the way to the 'wildlife' pond was inaccessible to me due to needing to climb over tree roots and such like that I can't do. For the most part its ok until I get to that point.

So I walked back again and seemed to be bombarded by dragon flies along the way. I have never seen quite so many before (although they seemed to mostly be 2 types, there was one that was much bigger? which I tried to photograph but couldn't. It was dipping in and out of the water and generally flying much higher).

I think this is the best shot as I had to zoom in quite a lot to get a shot!

Butterflies disappeared as soon as the zoom opened....

It was beautiful and sunny, the only other drawback being a large (Alsatian type?) dog that kept going in one of the lakes, would come out and then refuse to allow me to go past the stick in front of it! The owners could not control it very well though...

Decisions, decisions this or this which I think is a pond skater (sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong) :)

More here in myflickr

Happy Sunday folks :)

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