
By RoseFamily

Bonus time

Bonus big brother hugs making Balian's day! We collected Nathaniel early from nursery as we were having friends over for a play date. Nathaniel was beaming when I arrived early, and then impatiently excited to hear his friends were coming over "where are friends mummy?" Sadly the original plan of Dawn, Holly and Josh coming up had to be postponed due to Josh's op. But we all had a lovely afternoon with Charlotte, Ben, Jess, Amelie and Cameron (plus mums of course!). Annabel popped by with the adorable Seb and Ella. Their first solo outing, and all went well with the twins sleeping through whilst we made mum sit and eat cake.
Solo parenting here again went ok, Nathaniel being quite a lot better than usual and being kinder to Bay. Nathaniel is getting his last molar in, so he is generally more cuddly and wanting more mummy time than usual.

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