A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Moving Day

After work today, Rory picked me up for a two night stay at his new cottage! I cannot believe it's finally moving day for him and that soon enough he shall be settled in and living in his own house!

By the time we got to the cottage it was already nearing 8 o'clock so there wasn't much time to get things unpacked and assembled before it was time to sleep. However, we got a fair bit of his chest of drawers made up and squeezed in time to eat and watch part of a DVD, although as he has no chairs or table at the moment, dinner was had whilst scrunched up on the floor!

I handed in my notice at work today, although my boss won't get the letter until tomorrow. It's kind of scary to think that in a couple of weeks time I will be completely unemployed again!

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