Our five mile world

By hazyheap

Take off!

Out first thing this morning with the dog, walking across the stubble fields and thinking that soon the tractors will arrive to begin their spring sowing of barley and our walks will be limited to the unploughed narrow paths.
Bill's open playground will also be tiny soon so his quad bike trips will take him up to the forest tracks instead of these wonderfully open fields.

I love the arrival of the geese in September from their winter grazing in Iceland and rejoice in their early morning wake up calls as they fly in for breakfast on the potato fields adjacent to our home.

I always feel sad when I see skeins of them leaving in the spring. No idea why.

feels like such a loss......................

WILD GEESE by Mal Waite

I know that soon I must go and leave you
who can tell when we'll meet again?
The wild goose calls and I must follow
even though it brings you pain.
But when I'm far away please remember
come what may I will always care.
And when you hear the wild geese calling
think of me and I'll be right there.

The land I've worked was once my father's
I hoped some day it would be my son's.
But when the crops began to falter
no living there could then be won.
And soon a ship will raise it's anchor
- to Americay I have paid my fare.
And when you hear the wild geese calling
think of me and I'll be right there.

My dearest dear who knows whenever
I'll come again to this land I love.
But as we part amongst the heather
this vow I'll make by the stars above.
That unto you I will prove faithful
and this promise I do make my dear.
That when you hear the wild geese calling
think of me and I'll be right there.

Yes think of me and I'll be right there.

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