
By JohnW

Tree 5

It’s been over a month since I last blipped my favourite tree, albeit I did blip it twice in July – - Tree 4 followed by a bonus Tree 4a for MonoMonday seven days later.

Things change quickly this time of year.  The yellow rape in the field behind the tree has gone brown and been harvested, and the grass in the foreground has taken on its late summer gold and could be ready for haymaking if the field was in use.

The thing that caught my eye and tempted me to take the shot were the clouds.  Poor old (young) Biskit had to fight his way through grass three time his height, and contend with thistles which he hates, for me to get to my position to get the shot, which is conveniently marked with a traffic cone and nettles on top of what is alleged to be the top of an old Roman well.

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