isn't for interrupting...
mama... meep - meep
i can't help myself mollie - you're too cute
but i need my rest... meep - meep... do you know according to "the kitty times" - that i should be sleeping around 18 hours a day... meep
ummm - mollie, boo - what are doing reading "the kitty times"? you're just a bitty thing
i found some issues from your last princess diva - i'm merely picking up where she left off... it's quite obvious she thought the information in it - was valuable, otherwise it wouldn't have been left behind for me... meep - meep
aren't you the smart one - (i wonder what else the princess grace has in store for you...) and you're right - kittens, cats - do need their rest - i'll leave you to it - now that i've gotten my little snap shot - of you and we can all have...
happy day.....
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