I think I left the courgettes too long.
There was a big surprise at the allotment today after just a few days away. The courgettes had grown to immense proportions. The largest one here I had to chop up and compost as it was just too big to transport home. Had very little time at the patch today, just enough to strim the grass, nettles and edges to leave it in a respectable state for the next 3 weeks. I wonder what the courgettes will look like when we return?
I have told neighbouring plot holders to help themselves to beans, especially as there is a new row of dwarf french beans about to ready. It would be a shame for them to go to waste.
We went to the gym this morning, then did some more catching up and preparation for California before lunch. Then off to the bank with several bags of small change to exchange for folding money then to the library.
We fly on Monday and there still seems so much to do, chutney to make, apples to freeze, blackberries to make jelly from, as well as pack and organise all the paperwork. I suppose it will all get done.
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