Floating up the Forth...
I was train bound yesterday due to weather (
I possibly could have been today but elected to cycle it and although it was heavy rain at times, it was bearable right up until I got off the bridge and a bus effectively covered me in water. You know all these ice bucket challenges? It was that style of soaking.
and didn't realise it until the last might but I saw an old passer through. Didn't recognise him without his flat cap. He passed through the carriage I was in with a laminated poster between his teeth. Just assumed he had his hands full but... when I got off the train, he still had the same poster between his teeth so I can only assume he was trying to display it to all and sundry as he went.
Still a bit of a fruitcake I guess.
By the way, do you know the difference between a boat and a ship? Apparently there is a difference because you can put a boat on a ship, but not the other way around.
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