Nearly The Weekend.

Thank God.

There was some nice light in the garden first thing - but not quite where I wanted it.

The lovely kids from the last two or three days turned back into monsters after breakfast.
Maybe I should stop feeding them!

However, they were pretty well behaved while we were out for coffee with the usual suspects in the land of giant seed heads.
As usual they had to have a go on the slide - even if it means going at it the wrong way.
It is meant to be for the 7-12 year olds.
Try telling that to the 2 year old.
She has a ball.

Squirrel had a complete meltdown in the afternoon which resulted in her not being allowed to use her scooter while taking PD home - she was put in the car and driven home.
The sooner she gets it into her thick skull that she is not 4 going on 14 the better.

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