The guard dog!!

Still back and forth to Surrey to see MIL ( mother in law) . We stayed once again at Mr Tbay's brothers house which is not too far from Frimley Hospital. They are on holiday returning tomorrow. On their drive stands this magnificent stone dog guarding the house with great style! I just had to blip him ( or I suppose her!) MIL making better progress and should be released on Tuesday.

M4/5 was horrendous on home trip. Absolutely rammed!!! It took ages, and was stop start all the way. Glad to be home for a nice cup of tea. Dogs soooo excited to see us.

Farming - Two on compost hauling. One on mowing and one on power washing most of the tractors after their efforts dung spreading! Lovely and warm here agin so very sweaty boys after their efforts today. My car is now repaired. Hoorah!

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