Shed A Little Light

Perhaps through this window there's a ray of light, for me?

I woke up early at 8am (ugh) as I had to make sure my sister (aged 23!) was up and ready for her flight this morning. This meant phoning her, and being told " can you phone me again in 20 minutes?". Oh yes, I'd love to...!

I did my chores and headed over to the house. We had a chat and a play with Little B, and then I dropped her at the station.

After that I went out to do a few errands. I decided to hang around and get a coffee before my appointment so as not to go home and unsettle Little B. I had a good session again with A, and felt a bit more positive afterwards. She helped me and my thought processes over the mess I'm in, and that was a bit sad.

I came home and washed my hair, and then put my make up back on. I knew what I had to do later, and that was to have one last stab at sorting things out or getting some closure with guy friend. I also knew I'd have to take Little B with me, which wasn't ideal....

We headed off, and he was good in the car. Usually he pants, a mixture of trepidation and excitement, but he was calm, and lay down on his little bed, although he did try and jump in my lap as we left!

We wandered up to the station to meet him, and it didn't take long. I can't say he was thrilled to see me/us, more bemused and a bit peeved.

I might write in a bit more detail when I have the energy. Suffice to say it wasn't the best, but in a strange way, after a whole month of trying to just have a face to face and try and get past this, I do feel I can have closure with this, and hopefully move on. I feel very sad, but I have to try and think of what's best for me, and for my life, and not be dragged down by what's going on.

I'm dog sitting at mum's tonight, and I get to cuddle Little B all night. He's made me feel better, for sure. Of course I know who I'd rather be waking up next to... Sigh, the puppy will have to do ;-) !

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