Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


Some of you will know that I was determined to see the last two airworthy Lancasters together while the Canadian one is on a visit to the UK, but missed them last Sunday as the wind prevented them flying. I knew there was an event at RAF Waddington, near Lincoln, today which would have meant I could have seen the two together with my favourite plane, the Vulcan. I had plans on driving to Lincoln to see them, but everything I read suggested I would need to be there very early and would then only see them on the ground and taking off. No display or flypast. But, in reading about their plans for the day I discovered they were all displaying at Clacton Airshow today, along with a Spitfire, a Hurricane, a Typhoon and several stunt displays. So, I've had a day at the seaside! And what a day! The Vulcan was, as usual, breathtaking. I'm not embarrassed to say that whenever I see it flying I get goosebumps and it brings a tear to my eye. The Lancasters were magnificent, and the rest of the display was amazing. If you're in the area, they are doing the whole thing again on Friday except you get the Red Arrows in place of the Vulcan.

I'm now on the train home so this will upload when I get near wi-fi. I know one or two people are interested in planes so tomorrow I will put some pictures from the show onto Flickr.

Friday: the link to the Flickr photos is here.

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