Mostly Wet

Mostly wet sums up the weather today. Though as I write the sun is shining, but I can still here the drops of water dripping from the most recent shower a few minutes ago.

The picture shows part of Correction Wynd. This is one of the original Aberdeen streets, one which has not been lost as a result of later development. The bridge in the picture carries Union Street over Correction Wynd. Union Street feels like it is the natural street level, but for much of its length it is actually elevated, it has carved a line through the city which has destroyed or altered some of the old street network. Correction Wynd survives thanks to the bridge.

How high Union Street is above the original street level is apparent looking up the stairs from The Green to Union Street. As Union Street is fairly flat it has had the effect of disguising the natural hills and valleys in the east end of the city.

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