Just Glorious

The pink bougainvillea on the walk home from town.

I'm going home today! Happy and sad. I could not sleep, and had to haul myself out of bed at 7am- eek! It was grey and only just getting light, and it was weird to see our house in the dark. I had a quick brekkie, and then got myself ready to go.

Mum and I both got a bit teary as we said our goodbyes :-( I will not see her until September 6th. I hiked up the hill in the blazing heat, and made it with 10 minutes to spare.

It was a long day. I managed to get myself home safely, and arrived back with all my stuff. I took the train home which was filled with boys heading to the reading festival this weekend! The train was actually too full of camping gear and suitcases after a while, and the guard was getting antsy....

Finally home, and to be reunited with Little B! He was really pleased to see us.

I went to the gym in the evening, and it kind of helped. I worked hard, and have the bruises to prove it! I had a go at some weights, and it felt really good.

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