
By Isabel

Knit a street challenge...

Was working in Glasgow today and popped into Starbucks on my way to work... (as you do!). Was surprised to find a large display of knitting at the entrance. It turned out to be a challenge... Bothwell Street in Glasgow is 321.9 meters long (0.2) miles, and the challenge is to knit a scarf of at least that length. if you hand in a suitable piece of knitting, the staff will darn it into the scarf for you.

Each piece of knitting must be 40 stitches wide, in double knit wool and done on size 4 needles. So long as you comply with those requirements, you can embellish it as much as you like.

Once completed the scarf will be split up into blankets and given to a local homeless charity.

It is a nice idea, and I hope they make it....

Sad to think that in the 21st century in the UK we still need initiatives like this to help the homeless...

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