Discarded Birthday Wishes..

"Thinking of you on your birthday
Hope you're making great music!
2014 - 50 years since the Tea Time Four were named the band of the year!
Best Wishes


I wonder how these birthday flowers ended up so unceremoniously stuck into this railing. I was a bit curious about the Tea Time Four and I did a Google search. Apparently, they were a pop/rock band which were active in the 1960s. It was a quartet led by singer Boz Burrel, who also played rhythm guitar. They specialized in performing a jazzy style of American R&B and had a reputation for challenging the better-known acts for whom they opened.

I'm intrigued as to what happened...

I had a day off today. I decided to go nowhere near the Festival activities, since I wanted to have a break from all that today. I spent the morning processing photos and then I went to the gym. After that, I did my food shopping.

It was one of those days when you have lots of things to do and you just want to stay in the flat and do nothing. I had no choice but to do stuff though, because this is my only day off this week... :(

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts on my blip yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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