
By Transitoire

Standard Family

I mean, I guess we are. A little smaller than some, and probably bigger than others. But that's the thing, what makes it special is that it is ours. And that is the reason that I love going on holiday with my parents, because it gives me an excuse to spend time with them...not just time after work, or a grabbed hour somewhere or a quick shopping trip. Actual time just in each others company.

Today we finally made it out to Dubrovnik...and this is the product of a fellow photographer who saw me taking photographs of my parents and asked whether I would like a picture with me in it as well. I wish I could give you his name to credit him.

At the same time, as ever, the number of people using expensive DSLRs wrong was quite upsetting. The number of on-camera flashes up in bright sunshine really does give it away. Also the casual slinging around of them, or leaving them in full view on a table. A thief in Dubrovnik would have an absolute ball...the number of people who I could have done a runner with their rather expensive cameras was astounding. You could also tell the ones who really knew how to use a camera...a lot using the standard "wrap the shoulder strap around your wrist" hold, or with an extra long strap across the body. Nice to see that not everyone is stupid!

Anyway, rant over. This is me with my mum and dad...I think we scrub up quite well!

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