Not the kumquat blip

When you promise a good blip you sort of set yourself up for a fall a bit don't you? :-)

I have been contemplating a blip of some yummy dried kumquats I got from a Chinese supermarket. They are possibly the most delicious, moreish thing I have eaten in my life, sour and sweet at the same time. You get this funny little two pronged fork in the container. The problem is the moreishness of them is such that I could make myself ill on them, the sort of ill you get after eating loads of marshmallows and then having a go on a fairground waltzer or the sort of nausea that follows being allowed to go to a sweet factory shop with a big paper bag and no adult supervision. . . I will be strong and pace myself! Salted peanut phenomenon theory has nothing on dried kumquats.

Looking out of the kitchen window I noticed these fern leaves which look like they are producing some sort of seeds. I realised that this is the time of the year when I pay the least attention to the changes in nature, perhaps because everything can seem so busy in human life. I need to pay more attention. I went outside to look at them in more detail and noticed they are in a very shady, dark, wet habitat at the moment which is probably why they look so lush this year.

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