
By Avocadell

Twice bitten...

Another cross border expedition today. I climbed Parlick then traversed higher onto Fair Snape Fell where a very helpful Lancastrian pointed out Blackpool Tower, Heysham Nuclear power station, Grange over Sands and the Lake District - quite a view! At that point I was being smothered by ferocious red rose midges and red dots were starting to appear on my arms where I was getting bitten. Luckily on the descent a breeze picked up and they retired to their hideouts. Inevitably the footpath had to cross a field with a bull in it and this one was enormous. I dithered for a bit then boldly went for it (no dogs with me luckily) fortunately he didn't bat an eyelid. Feeling pleased with myself I walked through the farmyard and was met by a border collie who ran at me and bit me hard on the leg :(
So moral is - it isn't always the ferocious looking or biggest creatures that do the most harm...

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