
..........at Water

Mother & Child

For Water Wednesday – as part of the August Challenge which has been organised by Chantler63.

We woke to a cloudy sky and a cool wind, but no rain at all today.
A good day to visit the beach.

Manly, a popular seaside town and beach near the heads of Sydney Harbour was our destination.
The ferry leaves from Circular Quay near the Opera House for the half hour journey. The Manly wharf is in a sheltered cove with the open beach on the opposite side of the narrow peninsular.
Easy access is by walking through this shopping precinct.
As we walked through, I was photographing these low water features – this section of water was proving very tempting to this cute toddler!

Lunch today was at a Bavarian Bier Cafe near our point of arrival.

Tomorrow I’m looking forward to visiting Blackheath in the Blue Mountains for a blip-meet.

I had hoped to spend more time catching up with comments and replies this evening, but somehow, time has disappeared so once again I say a big thank you for all the encouraging comments that were left for yesterdays blip of the Sydney Opera House steps. They were all welcome and much appreciated.

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