Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Beeston Castle

We headed up to Beeston Castle this morning and what an awesome walk it was. The weather was kind and the views fantastic. We explored, Tuttle Jnr climbed, took some photos (not too many) and found the caves, which we forgot to explore last time we visited. I mostly used my Lensbaby today and this is my favourite despite Tuttle Jnr's face being a bit out of focus. here for more pics.

On the way down we came across a field full of cows, surrounded by an electric fence. And you'll probably work it out: Tuttle Jnr wanted to see if sand stone (used to build most of the castle) was electrically conductive. He correctly guessed that it isn't, only to find that he "accidentally" put his finger on the fence shortly afterwards. ZAP! Ow, Dad, that hurt! This was followed by howls of laughter. Seeing that Tuttle Jnr was still alive (and well) the next thing we did was to hold each others hand and got him to touch it again. We all got ZAPPED! We p!ssed ourselves laughing.

We met up with my In-Laws afterwards and then headed to Chester for tea. A bit of a long trip for the elders as we had to get back to Beeston so they could drive back home. But we had a nice meal at the Old Trooper and a great time chatting away.

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