
The Eastern Shore, in particular Maryland and Delaware, is famous for its blue crabs, usually steamed with Old Bay spices -- another Maryland specialty.

So tonite, the girls decided to indulge in a bushel of them. Tables are covered in disposable brown paper, the crabs are served whole 8 at a time, steaming hot, and you take them apart with little wooden mallets, nut crackers, and long tiny forks. They are usually accompanied by hush puppies and cole slaw, and a nice pitcher of cold beer.

It's a messy and noisy affair with the sounds of hammering resonating throughout, bits of shell propelled across the table, and spices all over your hands -- as my youngest daughter demos in the picture. It's also quintessentially Easter Shore, summery, and sociable. However, while I love crab, I'm a lazy eater and would rather have my food prepared for me and ready to eat with a fork and knife. Crab cakes are more my speed :)

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